Your Right to Know
You Have a Right to Know
As a prospective or continuing student at the University of Colorado Boulder, you have a right to certain information that the university is required by law to provide. Much of that information is safety related or financial in nature, but other broad categories are included such as graduation rates, athletics, and the various costs associated with attending CU Boulder.
Current federal regulations require that institutions of higher education disclose such information and make it readily available to current and prospective students. The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 requires institutions to provide a list of the information to which students are entitled with instructions on who to contact to obtain more information.
Additionally, each fall the campus sends communications during Compliance Week to meet federal notification requirements. Students receive eMemos with annual reminders on topics concerning voting, alcohol and drugs, financial aid and the campus's safety and security report.
The university's catalog site contains a summary of current campus offerings, policies and requirements; descriptions of colleges, schools and individual departments; and degree requirements, course descriptions and faculty listings. View the main catalog archive.
Office of the Registrar
Regent Administrative Center 101
The University of Colorado Boulder is a member of the University of Colorado System and is authorized to award degrees by the State of Colorado Department of Higher Education, Colorado Commission on Higher Education: 1600 Broadway, Suite 2200 Denver, CO 80202.
Since 1913, the University has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, 230 South LaSalle St., Ste 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604; 1-800-621-7440
Additionally, some colleges, schools and programs are accredited by professional or specialized organizations. View information on specialized accreditations.
The University of Colorado Boulder has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements and is authorized to provide education to students located outside of Colorado. Learn more about State Authorization.
Office of the Chancellor
University Administrative Center, 914 Broadway
Alcohol and Other Drugs Information
The Alcohol and Other Drugs Information site provides comprehensive information on CU Boulder alcohol and drug policies, prevention of drug and alcohol abuse, educational and counseling programs, and links to related sites.
As of December 2020, the Department of Education removed penalties that resulted in a loss of federal student aid eligibility for students who had been convicted under federal or state law for possession or sale of illegal drugs if the offense occurred while the student was receiving Title IV aid. View the Office of Financial Aid's policy on Drug Conviction.
Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Health and Wellness
Review the CU Boulder Security Policies, Crime Statistics and Annual Security and Fire Safety report, submitted annually to the U.S. Department of Education, or the daily crime log.
Office of Compliance, Ethics, and Policy
Regent Administrative Center
90 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309
The Career Services site provides information for students, alumni, families, faculty and staff on career development, internship, and post-graduate employment. The website also includes a comprehensive events calendar as well as access to Handshake, the online recruiting system for jobs and on-campus interviewing.
Career Services
Center for Community S440 & N450
As a community, we respect the intellectual property of others, regardless of what medium the material is transmitted in. We prohibit the use of unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, which is subject to both civil and criminal penalties as well as university procedures. View penalties for violation of federal copyright laws and the universities policies on unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, illegal downloading and unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using the school’s information technology system.
Send copyright infringement reports to:
Jennifer McDuffie, Deputy Chief Operating Officer
90 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309
Send other reports of computer abuse to
Bursar's Office Annual Cost Estimates
View the estimated costs associated with attending CU Boulder, including tuition and mandatory fees, on-campus housing and food, and books and supplies. Transportation, personal and medical cost estimates are traditionally considered part of the cost of attendance for financial aid purposes. View estimated student budgets for financial aid.
Bursar's Office
Regent Administrative Center 175
Textbook and course material information is available to students in Buff Portal when they access their class schedules. Information includes ISBN number and price of required and recommended textbooks. Textbook and course material information is also available on the CU Book Store website. The CU Book Store sells and rents textbooks and course materials in the University Memorial Center (UMC) and online.
Low-Cost Course Materials and Open Educational Resources (OER)
The university is required to inform students prior to course registration which courses and sections use open educational resources (OER) or other low-cost course materials (Colorado Revised Statute 23-1-134).
When searching and registering for classes, students may use CU Boulder Class Search to find courses with no- and low-cost course materials (less than $20). The estimated total cost of required course materials is available in the search results panel for each class, however, the cost is subject to change. Changes may occur as a result of updated pricing information from publishers and wholesalers, changes to the instructor teaching the class, or updated textbook and course material information received from the department or instructor.
CU Book Store
303-492-6411 (or toll free: 800-255-9168)
University Memorial Center (UMC)
CU Book Store Live Chat
Office of the Registrar
Regent Administrative Center 101
Open Educational Resources, University Libraries
Co-Leads: Melissa Cantrell, Merinda McLure and Caroline Sinkinson
Disability Services ensures that students with disabilities receive reasonable accommodations and services to participate fully in the academic environment. Disability Services expects and coaches the campus community to embrace and embody a fully accessible and culturally sensitive campus.
Disability Services
Center for Community N200
It is an express Boulder campus policy that all students at all times have the right to lodge a complaint or grievance which they deem important without fear of retaliation of any sort or any other adverse consequence as a result of doing so.
Campus guidance: Student Appeals, Complaints, and Grievances: A Brief Guide
State of Colorado Department of Higher Education: Filing a Student Complaint
If you'd like to discuss a concern confidentially and/or would like help finding the right place to file a complaint, please contact the Ombuds Office.
Ombuds Office
Center for Community (C4C), Suite S484
Information on the types of financial aid assistance available from Federal, State, Local and Institutional sources, eligibility requirements, how to apply, how aid is applied to your university bill, and more information is available at the Office of Financial Aid.
Students who receive any form of financial aid have certain rights and responsibilities. Additionally, CU Boulder staff follow the Student Loan Code of Conduct.
Financial Aid
Regent Administrative Center 175
Information about the university's fire safety systems, procedures, and policies, is available in the annual Security & Fire Safety Report, as are data about fires that have occurred in on-campus housing since 2006.
University of Colorado Boulder Police Department
1050 Regent Drive
The Office of Data Analytics maintains a myriad of statistical information about a broad range of subjects.
Office of Data Analytics
Administrative and Research Center (ARC), 3100 Marine Street, Room 281
Equity in Athletics Data Analysis (EADA)
In compliance with U.S. Department of Education requirements, data on athletic program participation rates and financial support may be found at this site.
Intercollegiate Athletics
Dal Ward Center
University of Colorado Boulder Net Price Calculator
The Net Price Calculator is an online tool to help prospective students and their parents estimate the cost of attending CU Boulder. It provides an estimate of typical expenses for a first-time, full-time undergraduate student to attend CU Boulder and an estimate of financial aid that the student may be eligible to receive from the university.
Office of Financial Aid
Regent Administrative Center 175
CU Boulder Seniors' Future Plans Survey
Data & Analytics administers the “Seniors’ Future Plans” Survey every spring. This survey asks seniors each year about their immediate, post-graduation employment and further education plans; those results are reported by college and by major.
Data & Analytics
Request Information from the Data & Analytics
15 UCB, Boulder, Colorado 80309
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
This site explains your rights with respect to your educational record as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Office of the Registrar
Regent Administrative Center 101
Professional Licensure Programs & Degrees
Some programs and degrees at the University of Colorado Boulder could lead to professional licensure in certain fields. If you plan to pursue licensure within the United States and/or its territories, you should first determine your state’s criteria for examination and licensure as well as any additional requirements you may need to fulfill. You can find links to the appropriate state licensing board on the University of Colorado Boulder’s Professional Licensure website.
Office of the Chancellor
University Administrative Center, 914 Broadway
This page includes what you'll need to know if you want or need to withdraw from the university, including information about deadlines, policies and refund assessment schedules. For information on the impact to financial aid if a student withdraws, view the Return to Title IV Funds & Refund Policy page.
Office of the Registrar
Regent Administrative Center 101
Bursar’s Office
Regent Administrative Center 175
Office of Financial Aid
Regent Administrative Center 175
Student Conduct Code Polices and Procedures
This document contains the Colorado Law on Student Riots - CRS 23-5-124. Please see Student Conduct Policies and Procedures (PDF), Appendix 1: Colorado Law Regarding Riots.
Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution
Center for Community (C4C), S485
Center for Student Involvement (CSI)
CU Boulder has about 476 academic, social, religious, recreational, and political student clubs and more than 30 collegiate club sports.
Center for Student Involvement
University Memorial Center (UMC) 330
Information about student body diversity is available from the National Center for Education Statistics and from CU Boulder’s Data & Analytics website, which includes data on the percentages of enrolled students who are male, female, members of different ethnic and racial groups, and Federal Pell Grant recipients.
Data & Analytics
Request Information from the Data & Analytics
15 UCB, Boulder, Colorado 80309
Title II Institutional Reports
Go to this site for annual Title II institutional reports submitted to the state of Colorado to fulfill requirements of the Higher Education Act. Reports include program requirements, goals, enrollment data, program completion data, compliance information, and assessment rates (i.e., numbers of students taking and passing teacher certification/licensure tests).
School of Education
Contact the School of Education
General policies on transfer of credit are available through the Office of Admissions and the undergraduate catalog. Some colleges and programs within the University of Colorado Boulder may have additional transfer policies. Contact the Office of Admissions with any questions about transferring credits.
Articulation Agreements
The University of Colorado Boulder has a number of articulation agreements with state community colleges allowing you to graduate from a community college with an Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree, enroll at the university with junior level status, and complete a bachelor's degree in no more than an additional 60-66 credits. For information visit the Colorado Department of Higher Education's website on Transfer Degrees.
The College of Engineering and Applied Science has partnerships with Western Colorado University in Gunnison, Colorado and Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, Colorado. These partnerships allow students to earn a bachelor's degree from CU Boulder in one of several engineering degree programs while taking all courses on the Western Slope of Colorado.
Guaranteed Admission for Colorado Transfer Students
Under the statewide Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways program, up to 31-37 credits of successfully completed coursework (C- or better) will automatically transfer and apply toward graduation requirements at the receiving institution.
Regent Administrative Center 125
Student Achievement Measure (SAM)
Information about proportions of first-year students and new transfers who transfer to and complete their undergraduate education at another higher education institution is available as part of the CU Boulder profile on the Student Achievement Measure (SAM) website.
Data & Analytics
Request Information from the Data & Analytics
15 UCB, Boulder, Colorado 80309
Immunization Requirement Instructions
Colorado state law requires first-year, transfer and graduate students to submit proof of certain vaccinations. Refer to the Health & Wellness site for details.
Medical Services
1900 Wardenburg Drive
For information on how to register to vote while attending CU Boulder, visit the Office of the Registrar’s Voter Registration webpage.
For additional information on voting and voter registration, please see Boulder County Colorado: Student Voting and Boulder County Colorado: Voter Registration & Voter Information.
Office of the Registrar
Regent Administrative Center 101
The University of Colorado Boulder is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Our most recent accreditation renewal occurred in 2020 and the previous was in 2010.